Today we observed two of the senior skills classes. Today was
very busy with students fixing their senior project binders and making any last
minute changes. Today, we did not bother any seniors due to the high energy and
the scramble to get things done. Their binders for senior project are due
I noticed that a lot
of students were mentioning missing letters from their mentors. This was also a
reoccurring problem when I was in high school finishing senior project as well.
I wonder what could be done to remedy this?
We are planning ahead of time to see another teacher’s class
as well, for, as our cooperating teacher claims, seeing other teachers in action
and seeing various classrooms is only going to prepare us better when we enter
student teaching and, eventually, have our own classrooms.
We then moved to her college prep senior class. Today they
began watching the movie for the text they were reading Speak. Due to senior project, they were unable to finish the book;
however, there was brief discussion before the movie to help students briefly talk
about what they read and what happened during the end of the book. Apparently,
the book and movie have different endings.
They have a worksheet to fill out after they watch the movie
which will be their first grade for fourth quarter. They will be focusing on
the strengths of the character and build connections from their own lives when
addressing the questions on the worksheet.
We also discussed what we are planning to do for our lessons
next week. I am pretty confident. This means I am going to have to familiarize myself
with Vine. I am pretty excited. As our cooperating teacher states, “The first
two minutes of your 15 minute presentation are the most important” so I am glad
Amanda and I are here to get them started.
In regards to the reading of Speak--I like that we were able to see a lesson not go as planned. I feel like this will happen frequently in our teaching futures. I also like that many of the students were asking to borrow the book so that they could finish it on their own time. I am excited to help these students with their introductions to their presentations