Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 6: Reading HEAVY Texts

For this class, we attempted to start reading the text for sixth grade. We found out immediately the difficulty level of the text. Many of the students struggled with the words in the text outside of the vocabulary words. Many of the students on one side of the classroom also had a difficult time staying on task. Because of this, we only got through a small portion of the text. However, we were able to get some ideas thrown around. We made a chart on the board to help students think about the question, “Should we or should we not excavate tombs for artifacts?” I was very surprised at the amount of students who were against excavating the tombs. I came prepared to explain why we should not and instead found myself supporting why we should excessively. These students are very adamant about the opinions they make. I do hope that the debate we have planned goes well.
Learning names is still a difficult process. I really wish I had gone with my name tents!
I find that a lot of my fellow teacher candidates want to teach middle school. Honestly, I would not mind being placed in middle school, however, I am still comfortable where I am for now. Time will tell. For now, working at this school has been enlightening and a very exciting experience.
I am prepared to keep teaching over the break and work on some new lessons for the week following. I am super pumped to teach a lesson with Joey that we prepared on our own! Our cooperating teacher has given us a lot of liberty already so we are seeing how the students react to our methods of teaching. She has been a great teacher to work with!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I love that the students were supporting the side that you did not expect them to support. I wonder if they all felt this way or some of them just followed along with some of the other students. It's great that you're enjoying it.
